Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Spinal Cord Injury StemEnhance What can it really do
You want to Read it and save the URL so that you might update yourself and others just how amazing this can be.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Story Of Stemtech & What Can It Do For You
benefits derived from a remarkable fresh water plant. These beneficial results intrigued this young neurophysiologist, and he began
intensive research to examine this phenomenon.
Initial results of this research lead him and his colleague, Dr. Gitte Jensen, to hypothesize what appeared to be a very intriguing theory
involving adult stem cells, and how isolated extracts of this aqua-botanical, seemed to work to optimize the natural behavior of stem cells in the body.
In 2000, the two scientists shared their views with Howard Newman, the owner of Desert Lake Technologies (DLT). DLT is a company with vast
experience in aquaculture and harvesting of this aqua-botanical raw material. Together, this team ventured forward with the vision, skill and courage
required to undertake a radical, new way of thinking about how the body keeps itself healthy. Using science to unlock the secrets in nature, the theory
began to take on a life of its own.
In 2002, the theory was published in a medical journal named Medical Hypotheses, while other scientists from around the world also continued to
publish research that further strengthened what Drapeau and Jensen believed they had discovered.
In 2004, a U.S. patent was awarded to these inventors, and further internal and external studies continued to corroborate their position.
Desert Lake Technologies was now ready to transition from research & development, and bring the concept and the product to market in 2005.
The company then turned to a top industry professional, an MBA with a 17 year track record of success, to help guide them in the strategic planning
process. After many months of analysis, Ray Carter recommended, and the team decided to form StemTech HealthSciences, in order to launch the
product through the power of the network marketing industry. Mr. Carter accepted the company’s request for him to organize and run the new
company, as they targeted a market pre-launch in the fall of 2005.
The name of this product is StemEnhanceTM, and it is a breakthrough, natural botanical extract that supports wellness, by helping your body
maintain healthy stem cell physiology. It is the very first product on the market from the latest phytoceutical product category called “stem cell
When you take two capsules of StemEnhance, the ingredients help to support the release of stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream.
Through a natural process, those stem cells then travel to areas of the body where they are most needed.
Recognizing that the novelty of this breakthrough product will require a great deal of consumer education, StemTech has put together a media
campaign strategy in order to educate and create the awareness we desire, to give StemEnhance the brand name recognition that will assist all of
our independent distributors to more successfully market the product, while generating countless leads.
StemEnhance is only available through StemTech HealthSciences, Inc. and its independent distributors. The formulation is patented and is the
first of its kind on the market. So whether you are a “baby boomer”, athlete, or anyone else looking to optimize health, StemEnhance is for you.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Fundamentals of Healing and Recovery - The Building Blocks for Restoring Optimal Health
Thursday, April 30, 2009
StemEnhance & You Newsletter April-May 09
This newsletter is a collaborated effort of Ray Mumme and Jacki Smith for our new customers, people looking at the product for the first time & our distributors as a way of educating you on our ground breaking new products StemEnhance® & StemFLO® as well as our pet products, and giving you new updates as they come about. We look forward to bringing you new information on a monthly schedule.
Everywhere you look these days you will find stem cells in the media, including press releases on a new book "The Stem Cell Theory of Renewal" by Christian Drapeau, MSc., Chief Science Officer & Co-Founder of STEMTech Health Sciences.
Scientific and medical research on Adult Stem Cell Function is virtually endless, click here to see the studies. Type in stem cell and you will have access to more than 200,000 studies. Adult stem cell will yield 30,000+ papers. There are also studies on Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), the ingredient in Stem Enhance. This will include studies on cardiovascular health, and one from Sloan-Kettering Hospital & Royal Victoria Hospital on the increase by up to 40% in natural killer cells being released. The Peer Reviewed Reference Chart on Adult Stem Cell Therapy contains a list of conditions known to have shown benefit. Click here to review the list.Some of the scientific facts from research are:
* Stem cells can form cartilage and bone
* Bone marrow stem cells can form liver, skin and digestive tract cells
* Bone marrow stem cells can contribute to repair of wound healing
* Stem cells participate in the re-generation of new neurons within the brain
* Mobilized stem cells have also been used in renewal of cardiac tissue
The recent advances in STEM CELL research were listed as one of the most significant health related stories in the past 25 years by CNN.
"Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell".
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Supporting the release of stem cells from the bone marrow is one of the key factors in optimizing our ability to maintain optimal health. More stem cells circulating in the blood equates to greater health. However, supporting the natural release of stem cells is only part of this equation. In order to fulfill their role, stem cells must be able to reach every corner of the body. To get there, they are carried through the body’s own transport mechanism responsible for the delivery of nutrients, oxygen and blood cells, the circulation system. Making sure this transport system is functioning to its fullest potential is critical to our body’s ability to maintain health.
StemFLO® is a blend of herbs and special nutrients that support the delivery of stem cells to the tissues by supporting optimal blood flow. Supporting optimal blood flow to every part of our body also helps deliver life-sustaining nutrients and oxygen to every organ and tissue, while removing detrimental toxins and wastes. Maintaining good circulatory health is paramount to helping our body perform at its best. The core message is simple, when blood flow is diminished or compromised, stem cells, nutrients, and oxygen cannot be delivered to areas where they are needed, preventing the maintenance of optimal health.
By combining both products with athletes the StemSPORT concept emerged. Just recently the Legends of Basketball, the National Basketball Retired Players Association's nickname, has chosen to feature the launch of a natural stem cell release product regime in their sports-celebrity gift bags at the Phoenix NBA All Star Weekend. Sports guru and STEMTech V.P. Heather Livingston said the NBA All Star Weekend venue for launching the sports Stem Cell Nutrition product is symbolic. "With StemSPORT we're empowering distributors to proactively impact the performance of all athletes, amateur and professional, by assisting in reducing muscle recovery time. What more visible start than with the Legends of Basketball?"
Jacki Smith 817.510.3600 ~ Jacki's Email
My Squidoo Educational site ~ Learn More
Step 2 Take The Tour ~ Watch the movies
My StemTech Website ~ Learn more Products & Company
Benefits for Pets ~ Pet Article & Testimonies on Pgs 6, 7, 13 & 14
FAQ Questions ~ Frequently asked questions
Ask Jacki Testimonial Call Thursday 8:00PM CST 712.432.1100 Pin 768074#
Recorded Playback Changes Weekly: 712.432.1698 Pin 768074#
Ask Jacki Testimonial Calls that are Archived Calls you can listen to anytime.
Athletes & Dr Donna Antarr, MD V.P. Product Training 641.715.3420 Pin 655297#
Testimonies Tom Goff, Ian Davies & Dee's horse story 616.712.8099 Pin 252268#
Step 3 Opportunity Call w/ George Antarr Click here to listen
STEMTech Call George Antarr & Christian Drapeau MSc., Click here to listen
STEMTech Product Training w/ Dr Donna Antarr Click here to listen
Sunday, April 12, 2009
How to StemEnhance yourself to Wealth
Chief scientist and co-founder, Christian Drapeau, developed StemEnhance. StemEnhance is a patented proprietary concentrate of aphanizomenon flos-aqua, or AFA, that supports the natural release of adult stem cells from the bone marrow. It is cultivated from the pristine waters of Lake Klamath in southern Oregon.
Christian’s and colleague Dr. Gitte Jensen’s studies demonstrated that adult stem cells can become cells of the brain, heart, liver and muscle cells and more etc. This led to the discovery that adult stem cells could literally become cells of virtually all other tissues in the body. Christian says if bone-marrow stem cells can become cells of other tissues, then it has to be a phenomenon of great significance in health. Simply stated, this means that whenever there is a problem in an organ or tissue, adult stem cells will migrate in that organ or tissue and will repair, renew and rejuvenate it.
Now that StemTech has passed through toughest stage of a start up business, and has prepared for exponential global growth, this is the ideal time to take a serious look. With state of the art tools now available, so that anyone who has the desire to, and can create the positive attitude to start up a new business, it doesn’t get any easier than this. After you have tried the product for a few months it will all come together. The product will be a household name in the next three years what are you waiting for.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
StemEnhance Facts - A FAQ on StemEnhance
Only embryonic stem cells have been associated with the development of aberrant growth. Stem cells present in specialized tissues such as the intestinal mucosa may also play a role in the development of aberrant growth. But the cells released from the bone have not been associated with such problems.
Why may StemEnhance be contraindicated for people on anticoagulant therapy?
One gram of StemEnhance contains roughly half of the recommended daily allowance in vitamin K. Vitamin K is an essential nutrient playing an important role in the process of blood coagulation. Hence, doctors often tell people to avoid vitamin K while being on anticoagulant therapy. This being said, it is not so much the presence of vitamin K in the diet as much as the consistency in the daily intake. Therefore, the best approach is to discuss with your doctor your desire to take StemEnhance, and that it contains vitamin K, and the anticoagulant prescription can be adjusted through careful monitoring of your condition by your doctor.
Is StemEnhance FDA approved?
No. FDA does not approve dietary supplements in the same way that FDA approves some drugs and medical devices. Nonetheless, FDA does regulate product quality, product safety, and product claims, and has authority to remove products from the market that are not safe or that make claims that are not substantiated by scientific evidence.
Is StemEnhance truly natural? Is it Organic? Is it Non-genetically modified? Is it farmed?
StemEnhance is made of two extracts from the aquatic botanicals Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). AFA grows naturally in a pristine lake of Southern Oregon, it is therefore wild crafted, not farmed or manipulated in anyway, hence no genetic modification.
StemEnhance is produced by an Organic certified facility and is certified Organic.
Monday, March 30, 2009
ST March Newsletter
Hello Everyone,
This newsletter is a collaborated effort of Ray Mumme and Jacki Smith for our new customers & distributors as a way of educating you on our wonderful products StemEnhance® & StemFLO® as well as our pet products. Ray will be sharing his story with you in April, we both look forward to bringing you new information each month.
My name is Jacki Smith and I am a Health Coach. I have been in the Health & Wellness industry for more than 20 years. I started taking StemEnhance® in October '07. I have experienced an increase in energy, better sleep, memory retention & focus has improved - especially with phone numbers, an old injury to my shoulder improved, a skin tag has vanished, hair and nails growing, elevation in mood and decrease in stress levels, as well as losing a few pounds as it was cleansing and detoxifying my body.
My family and my clients have also experienced some pretty amazing things with their health. One of the first questions I get about StemEnhance® is usually "How much do I take?" The label states take 2 capsules one to two times daily this is a good place to start for a healthy person. We know by consuming 2 capsules it releases a 25 to 30% increase in the number of circulating stem cells, which is approx. 3 to 4 million additional stem cells. However, if you have health challenges you can increase taking 2 capsules as often as needed throughout the day seperating them by 3 hours or so, depending on the severity of your condition. Remember this is only a concentrated green food... not a medication.
Everywhere you look these days you will find stem cells in the media, including press releases on a new book "The Stem Cell Theory of Renewal" by Christian Drapeau, MSc., Chief Science Officer & Co-Founder of STEMTech Health Sciences.
Scientific and medical research on Adult Stem Cell Function is virtually endless, click here to see the studies. Type in stem cell and you will have access to more than 200,000 studies. Adult stem cell will yield 30,000+ papers. There are also studies on Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), the ingredient in Stem Enhance. This will include studies on cardiovascular health, and one from Sloan-Kettering Hospital & Royal Victoria Hospital on the increase by up to 40% in natural killer cells being released. The Peer Reviewed Reference Chart on Adult Stem Cell Therapy contains a list of conditions known to have shown benefit. Click here to review the list.Some of the scientific facts from research are:
* Stem cells can form cartilage and bone
* Bone marrow stem cells can form liver, skin and digestive tract cells
* Bone marrow stem cells can contribute to repair of wound healing
* Stem cells participate in the re-generation of new neurons within the brain
* Mobilized stem cells have also been used in renewal of cardiac tissue
The recent advances in STEM CELL research were listed as one of the most significant health related stories in the past 25 years by CNN.
"Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell".
Supporting the release of stem cells from the bone marrow is one of the key factors in optimizing our ability to maintain optimal health. More stem cells circulating in the blood equates to greater health. However, supporting the natural release of stem cells is only part of this equation. In order to fulfill their role, stem cells must be able to reach every corner of the body. To get there, they are carried through the body’s own transport mechanism responsible for the delivery of nutrients, oxygen and blood cells, the circulation system. Making sure this transport system is functioning to its fullest potential is critical to our body’s ability to maintain health.
StemFLO® is a blend of herbs and special nutrients that support the delivery of stem cells to the tissues by supporting optimal blood flow. Supporting optimal blood flow to every part of our body also helps deliver life-sustaining nutrients and oxygen to every organ and tissue, while removing detrimental toxins and wastes. Maintaining good circulatory health is paramount to helping our body perform at its best. The core message is simple, when blood flow is diminished or compromised, stem cells, nutrients, and oxygen cannot be delivered to areas where they are needed, preventing the maintenance of optimal health.
By combining both products with athletes the StemSPORT concept emerged. Just recently the Legends of Basketball, the National Basketball Retired Players Association's nickname, has chosen to feature the launch of a natural stem cell release product regime in their sports-celebrity gift bags at the Phoenix NBA All Star Weekend. Sports guru and STEMTech V.P. Heather Livingston said the NBA All Star Weekend venue for launching the sports Stem Cell Nutrition product is symbolic. "With StemSPORT we're empowering distributors to proactively impact the performance of all athletes, amateur and professional, by assisting in reducing muscle recovery time. What more visible start than with the Legends of Basketball?"
Scientist and author Christian Drapeau explains how the Stem Cell enhancers function to maximize human performance:"Supporting the release of stem cells from the bone marrow and increasing the number of circulating stem cells improves various aspects of human health. For very active and sports focused people, Stem Cells are the raw materials to repair micro-tears and micro-injuries created during training." The link to the new StemSPORT website is below.
Jacki Smith 817.510.3600 ~ My Email
Ray Mumme 314.488.4454 ~ Ray E-mail
My Squidoo education site ~ Learn More
My blog ~ Ray's Blogs
Step 2 Take The Tour ~ Watch the movies
My StemTech Corporate Website ~ Learn more: Products, Company & FAQ
My StemSPORT Website ~ Learn how StemSPORT can benefit athletes
Benefits for Pets ~ Pet Article & Testimonies on Pgs 6, 7, 13 & 14
FAQ Questions Frequently asked questions
Ask Jacki Testimonial Call Thursday 8:00PM CST 712.432.1100 Pin 768074#
Recorded Playback Changes Weekly: 712.432.1698 Pin 768074#
Ask Jacki Testimonial Calls that are Archived Calls you can listen to anytime.
21 Testimonies & George Antarr V.P. North America 712.432.1286 Pin 865921#
Athletes & Dr Donna Antarr, MD V.P. Product Training 641.715.3420 Pin 655297#
Testimonies Tom Goff, Ian Davies & Dee's horse story 616.712.8099 Pin 252268#
Step 3 Opportunity Call w/ George Antarr Click here to listen
STEMTech Call George Antarr & Christian Drapeau MSc., Click here to listen
STEMTech Product Training w/ Dr Donna Antarr Click here to listen
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Stem Cell Enhancers - Healthy Stem Cells
As the body ages, numbers and quality of stem cells gradually decrease which makes the body more vulnerable to injury and other deleterious health issues. The benefits of healthy stem cell support can combat the effects of aging by making one feel stronger and more vigorous. Adult stem cells are found in bone marrow. Stem cells replace ailing or dysfunctional cells which is imperative to maintaining optimal health.
The effectiveness of Stem Cell Enhancers was established in a triple blind study. First, blood samples were taken, and then volunteers were given Stem Enhance or a placebo. Another blood sample was then taken at 30, 60 and 120 minutes after ingestion of the consumables. Using Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) it was determined that the consumption of Stem Enhance illicit a 25-30% increase in the number of circulating stem cells.
The benefits of healthy stem cell support include enhancing optimal wellness and can fight effects of aging Healthy stem cells can help you feel stronger and more vigorous as you advance into retirement years.
Let's face it, people today regardless of their age want to enjoy good health, fell and look better, and be able to do more play and hard work without tiring out to fast.
Stem Enhance is the all natural supplement that helps support the natural release of adult stem ce
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Science Update: Stem Cells and Cardiovascular Health
Let’s look at some of these studies in a little more detail so you can grasp the potential benefits of supporting your body’s natural release of stem cells into the bloodstream …
In 2001, Vasa et al reported that compared to healthy individuals, people with cardiovascular problems had fewer endothelial progenitor cells (EPC’s) in their bloodstream. EPC’s are a type of stem cells responsible for the development of new blood vessels. The study also demonstrated that the EPC’s isolated from people with cardiovascular problems showed less ability to migrate in tissues. The Vasa group also reported that smokers had fewer EPC’s in their blood.
In 2004 Schmidt-Lucke et al measured the number of EPC’s in the bloodstream of 120 individuals (43 controls and 77 individuals at risk for cardiovascular problems) and observed these individuals for ten months. At the end of this time, the authors reported that a reduced number of circulating EPC’s was linked to a poor cardiovascular health prognosis.
The next year, in a similar but more extensive study, Werner et al measured the number of EPC’s in the bloodstream of 19 individuals, and observed these individuals for one year. Overall, the people with more circulating EPC’s experienced fewer cardiovascular problems and, conversely, the people who had fewer EPC’s in their blood showed increased incidences of cardiovascular events.
Thanks to recent studies, scientists now understand why greater numbers of stem cells in the bloodstream equate to better cardiovascular health. In essence, when a tissue has poor blood circulation, it lacks oxygen. And when a tissue lacks oxygen, it releases compounds that accomplish two specific tasks: 1) attraction of EPC’s into the tissue, and 2) conversion of EPC’s into capillary cells. Therefore, whenever a tissue is lacking oxygen, a process is triggered whereby circulating stem cells migrate to the tissue and contribute to the development of new capillaries. This leads to greater delivery of oxygen and nutrients, thereby helping the tissue maintain better health.
When we understand that poor oxygen and insufficient nutrient delivery to organs and tissues are two of the most common underlying causes for a wide variety of health problems, it is clear that increasing the number of circulating stem cells becomes one of the most valuable strategies for maintaining optimal health.
Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and any products mentioned, while supported by science, are not intended to diagnose, mitigate or treat any disease or illness.
For information on supporting your body’s natural ability to release stem cells, and to take advantage of financial opportunities in this exciting arena, visit: www.adultstemcellsrelease.com & www.rmumme.stemtechbiz.com & www.rmumme.stemsport.com
Monday, March 9, 2009
Hgh Enhancers - are They Effective?
An amino acid formula is the HGH enhancer. It supports the natural abilities of the body. This formula can be used to aid in getting a peaceful and restful sleep also.
The building blocks of the proteins in our body are formed from the twenty amino acids. They help to make proteins and enzymes which are required by our body for the growth in muscle, bones and other organs. A variety of amino acids cause growth hormone secretion and are regarded safe. They are normally free of any side effects.
The HGH enhancers come in different forms. The common ones are pills, scintillating powders and sprays. The sprays are of recent discovery and they have a dynamic amount of actual hormone with a saving system. This saving system through the sublingual salivary gland delivers it directly to the body. Most of the products are homeopath and they are created from thinning real HGH.
HGH enhancers comprise harbingers of HGH, which can be promptly taken within the body. They chiefly include amino acids. Some of the enhancers contain colostrums. This also includes IGF - 1. These enhancers are mostly used by middle aged people to decrease the indications of aging.
The enhancers are substances which decrease fat and increase energy. They also help to reduce weight in obese people. These hormones also foster fast recovery from sickness or injury. It has no side effect as it is natural and no foreign hormone is introduced.
With the aging of the human body the mind also ages and the general biological and chemistry processes in our body also decreases. This process reduces the secretion of the growth hormone and with it comes the aging process, weight gain, loss of hair coloration etc. This is the time when a person should use HGH enhancers.
Stem Cell enhancers are a raw botanic distill which helps the body to maintain sound stem cell physiology. The first of its kind a stem cell enhancers has been produced. They are a mix of two compounds. These compounds are extracted the Cyanophyta Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. The primary enhancer assists in the release of stem cells from the bone marrow. The secondary enhancer helps the stem cells to migrate from the blood and flow into the tissue.
This enhancer is beneficial to the body because the stem cells can move through the bloodstream. It moves to the most important areas of the body. Stem Cell Enhancers aid in the release of stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. This is beneficial to the body because stem cells are able to travel through the bloodstream to areas of the body where they are most crucial needed. Please visit my web site to view my quick seven minute movie and become better educated about this groundbreaking new supplement. http://twurl.nl/z5svjt
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Adult Stem Cells and Advances In Medicine
The use of embryonic stem cells involves the destruction of the fetus and therefore walks the line of the advance of science versus the unborn human rights. Scientists maintain that the use of these stem cells and the future benefit they could provide outweighs the moral dilemma of the effects to the fetus.
Contrary to popular belief, there is an alternative. Embryonic stem cells are just one type of stem cell. Adult stem cells are readily found active in every adult body. Produced in our bone marrow, these stem cells are actively called upon by our body to be released into the blood stream where they travel to other parts of the body to repair damaged cells.
Adult stem cells have the same regenerative properties as embryonic stem cells and do not need to be harvested from an external source. So why hasn't more research been done in this area? It's a lot harder to retrieve these cells and therefore more costly then research done on embryonic cells.
Let's not give up just yet. Recent research has discovered another way to gain access to these adult stem cells. Scientist have produced a supplement that is a simple extract of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) that stimulates the release of these adult stem cells from the bone marrow.
Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), is a combination of two compounds. The first, L-selectin ligand supports the release of adult stem cells from the bone marrow. The second, Migratose TM supports the distribution of the adult stem cells throughout the body to the cells that need repair. This stem cell release process starts by taking two capsules of Stem Enhance. Once the compounds are absorbed into the body, millions of stem cells are released from the bone marrow into the blood stream.
The miracle of stem cells is that they can become any type of cell. They are the building blocks of the human body with the power to heal and regenerate. The human body has an unlimited supply and any unused stem cells are re-absorbed back into the bone marrow. This is the full cycle of the healing process.
So why then, is science so focused on stem cell treatment? The simple answer is that from the time we are children to the time we grow old, our bodies produce less and less adult stem cell naturally. The use of an external supplement to stimulate the production of or the direct injection of stem cells has the potential to advance the healing process.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
What is This Superfood Blue Green Algae
Algae are a class by themselves and exhibit the characteristics of both plants and animals. They have been consumed in one form or another for thousands of years.
Blue-Green Algae have the broadest range of phyto-nutrients of any known algae, including rare trace elements, biologically active enzymes, amino acids, essential fatty acids, B12, chlorophyll, Phenyl ethylamine (PEA), glycol-proteins, complex sugars, vitamins and minerals which can be easily absorbed in our body due to its soft cell wall.
The chlorophyll in the algae helps detoxify the body and maintain a healthy immune system. Blue Green Algae helps to remove heavy metals and other environmental pollutants from our bodies.
It also contains all eight essential amino acids plus the "semi-essential" amino acids in such a manner that the human body absorbs and metabolizes this super-food at nearly 100% rate!
Even more physiological benefits of the Blue-Green Algae come from the different types of sugars that it creates. These are unique types of polysaccharides necessary for biochemical functions including the building, repairing and replacing of damaged cell structures.
Extensive research has shown that people taking Blue-Green Algae have reported an overall increase in mental alertness, mental stamina, short and long term memory, problem solving, creativity, dream recall and a greater sense of well being. The greatest benefit of this food is not only its nutrient constitution, but its total synergistic effect on the mind and the nervous system including the pituitary, pineal, and hypothalamus.
Because our brain cells use neuropeptides to communicate with each other, and Blue-Green Algae contains the basic building blocks and neuropeptide precursors necessary to create these potent brain chemistries, it contributes to the brain's ability to process information and to achieve a feeling of well-being.
It also contains about 3% nucleic acids... more than any other food! Nucleic acids are responsible for growth, repair and regeneration of cells and also enhance immunity.
The good news about Blue-Green Algae does not end here. It is also full of vitamins, especially rich in B vitamins and the richest vegetable source of both B-12 and beta-carotene. According to the 1991 critical review in "Food and Science and Nutrition" Gram for Gram Blue-Green Algae has 40 times the beta-carotene of carrots!
With a precious gift like this from Mother Earth, one does not need to think twice!
This product is StemEnhance except it is in a 5 to 1 concentrate and Dr. Christian Drapeau has identified the two compounds which help to push Stem cells out of the Bone marrow and into the blood stream the other compound pushes the stem cells from the blood stream into the tissue of the organs.
Let me help you, help yourself.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Supplements Stem Cells and StemEnhance
One of the reasons we age so rapidly when we hit our mid thirties is the reduction in the release of stem cells into the blood stream, something we already carry in our bone marrow. Stem Enhance has been shown to release the missing stem cells and give us a healthier life.
Stem cells are so important; they are the basis of life. When a sperm fertilizes the egg, the first cell created is a stem cell. A stem cell can change into other cell tissue types. This allows the stem cell to become different sets of cells as we need them to support our vital organs.
Stems cells have the powers to rebuild weakened cells and areas of the body.
ASC's, is a process of removing the stem cells from someone's bone marrow and re-injecting these same cells into an area undergoing treatment. This usually happens before a cancer patient undergoes treatment. The healthier cells from the bone marrow are removed and stored, and re-inserted after the radiation treatment is over with.
Stem Enhance is unique, placing researchers with a new category to label, "stem cell enhancers".
Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), is the essential nutrient in StemEnhance which releases thousands, if not millions of adult stem cells. AFA is an edible algae considered to be one of the most nutritious foods known to us. This blue-alga has all the nutrients to be what we need to build our cells on.
Stem Enhance increases the cells ability to get to the damaged areas that need them most. StemEnhance is a high quality mix of two compounds which are extracted from AFA. This process is considered to extremely safe.
The first compound, which contains L-Selectin ligand, blocks the receptors on your stem cells that keep them sealed into your bone marrow allowing them to circulate.
The second compound which is called Migratose, is polysaccharide-rich and can assist in the migration of stem cells from the blood and carried to all our essential organs.
The body knows what it needs as do these master cells. People who have difficulty getting around due to joint pain are regaining their ability to walk as cartilage is being repaired.
Stem Enhance can repair the liver, digestive system, the heart, and our skin. Stem Enhance also supports brain function concentrating on improving the clarity of things, focus and our general mood.
When Stem Enhance is used as a daily supplement over time, the stimulation of billions of additional stem cells in the bloodstream could be one of the safest and most efficient methods for maintaining optimal health that science has yet discovered.
The benefit of healthy stem cell support includes enhancing optimal wellness and can fight effects of aging. Healthy stem cells can help you feel stronger and more vigorous as you advance into retirement years.
Let's face it, people today regardless of their age want to enjoy good health, fell and look better, and be able to do more play and hard work without tiring out to fast. Stem Enhance is the all natural supplement that helps support the natural release of adult stem cells.
Ray Mumme is committed to helping people maintain healthy and effective lifestyles. For more information on any other health supplements please visit his website.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Differences Embryonic Versus Adult Stem Cells
Stem cell enhancers are one of the most recent breakthroughs in natural health care.
What is it and how can it help you maintain great health?
First let’s talk about stem cells. Stem cells can be thought of as “master” cells.
You’ve probably heard in the news about the controversy of embryonic stem cells. Indeed, stem cells are found in human embryos, but they are also found in adult tissue. Adult stem cells are most abundantly found in bone marrow.
What they do is to circulate and function to replace dysfunctional cells, thus fulfilling the natural process of maintaining optimal health.
In other words, a stem cell is a cell that has the ability to duplicate itself endlessly and to become cells of virtually any organ and tissue of the body.
Embryonic stem cells are cells extracted from the very early embryo, which has an exceptional ability to duplicate in a test tube, and to become cells of almost any tissue. Adult stem cells are cells found in an organism after birth. Until very recently, it was believed that adult stem cells could only become blood cells, bone and connective tissue. But recent developments over the past 5 years have revealed that adult stem cells have capabilities similar to embryonic stem cells.
So while there is controversy about the use of embryonic stem cells, recent advances in stem cell research were listed as one of the most significant health-related stories in the past 25 years by CNN, second only to the complete mapping of the human genome.
I’ve studied this topic for some time. I’m always looking for ways to maintain or improve my health, and I have a great interest in helping other people to do the same for themselves.
Thus I’m interested in what science and modern medicine have to offer us.
The benefits of stem cell enhancers are considerable.
Basically, stem cell enhancers support the release of adult stem cells from bone marrow into circulation. They also support stem cell functions in the body.
Consider that as you age, the number and quality of stem cells that circulate in your body gradually decrease, leaving your body more susceptible to injury and other age-related health challenges. Just as antioxidants are important to protect your cells from “free radical” damage, stem cell enhancers are equally important to support your stem cells in maintaining proper organ and tissue functioning in your body.
So, a new theory, known as the Stem Cell Theory of Renewal proposes that stem cells are naturally released by the bone marrow and travel via the bloodstream toward tissues to promote the body’s natural process of renewal. When an organ is subjected to a process that requires renewal, such as the natural aging process, this organ releases compounds that trigger the release of stem cells from the bone marrow.
The organ also releases compounds that attract stem cells to this organ. The released stem cells then follow the concentration gradient of these compounds and leave the blood circulation to migrate to the organ where they proliferate and differentiate into cells of this organ, supporting the natural process of renewal.
If for some reason the stem cells released from the bone marrow do not reach a tissue, they simply home back to the bone marrow after some time. So there are no side effects.
Recent studies suggest that the number of circulating stem cells is a key factor; the higher the number of circulating stem cells the greater the ability of the body to heal itself.
I’m pretty well sold on the fact that stem cell enhancers, using stem cells from adult bone marrow, are the newest and perhaps brightest promise we have for helping us keep or regain optimum health.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
How To Enhance Your Way To Wealth
Chief scientist and co-founder, Christian Drapeau, developed StemEnhance. StemEnhance is a patented proprietary concentrate of aphanizomenon flos-aqua, or AFA, that supports the natural release of adult stem cells from the bone marrow. It is cultivated from the pristine waters of Lake Klamath in southern Oregon.
Christian’s and colleague Dr. Gitte Jensen’s studies demonstrated that adult stem cells could become cells of the brain, heart, liver and muscle cells. This led to the discovery that adult stem cells could literally become cells of virtually all other tissues in the body. Christian says if bone-marrow stem cells can become cells of other tissues, then it has to be a phenomenon of great significance in health. Simply stated, this means that whenever there is a problem in an organ or tissue, adult stem cells will migrate in that organ or tissue and will repair, renew and rejuvenate it. For a quick overview of this study please visit take the tour to get more information on this amaizing product. www.adultstemcellsrelease.com
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Taking one Product that can change your life
StemEnhance is a nutrition supplement like no other. STEMTech Health Sciences has finally hit the jackpot. This product does not ADD anything to your body. StemEnhance makes your body use the resources IT ALREADY HAS. Each of us has millions of adult stem cells locked away in our bone marrow. Each one of these stem cells has the ability to become ANY cell in the body and replace or heal that cell once it is released from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. The only problem is that, as we age, our bodies do not release these stem cells into the bloodstream any longer. Renowned scientist Christian Drapeau has solved this problem with StemEnhance. Please view a quick Video with Dr. Drapeau.
Every gram of StemEnhance will cause the body to release stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, these stem cells will replace and repair ANY cell in the body that needs healing. That's right - ANY cell. This one little pill will wake up your body's ability to heal itself. This one little pill will take your body to a new level. This one little pill will kick in your body's own built-in rejuvenation system. This one little pill will make your body work the way your body was meant to work.
Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and any products mentioned, while supported by science, are not intended to diagnose, mitigate or treat any disease or illness.
Go to my website and get the last pill that you will ever have to take for yourself. You will be glad that you did. View a quick 7 minute movie which gives you a good overview of how it works. WWW.adultstemcellsrelese.com
Get the product from www.rmumme.stemtechbiz.com
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Fundamentals of Healing and Recovery - The Building Blocks for Restoring Optimal Health
To some degree, this is all normal and nothing to be concerned about. A healthy body has a marvelous capacity to detoxify and heal itself; and, normal levels of free radicals can be easily neutralized with proper diet.
The problem is: in the world in which we live and the life-style that is typically modern, we’re not facing “normal levels” of free radicals. Stress and pollution can overwhelm the defensive capacities of a proper diet; and, a “proper diet” is harder and harder to achieve as our lives become more hectic and the quality of our food continues to diminish. (Today, you would need to eat 10 servings of vegetables to get the nutritional value of one serving 50 years ago.)
But, while antioxidants work to neutralize the destructive power of free radicals, taking a stem cell enhancer will support the body’s innate renewal system, so that it can repair the damage already done through oxidative stress.
Normally, adult stem cells are released from the bone marrow into the blood stream. When body tissues are stressed, stem cells are drawn into the tissues, where they replace dysfunctional cells with healthy ones. But, things today aren’t normal; our bodies must continually deal with the stresses of daily life; so, it’s important to add the yin to antioxidants’ yang.
StemEnhance is the only product on the market today that substantially supports the body’s innate renewal system as a stem cell enhancer.
I would like to introduce you to the World’s First Stem Cell Enhancer. It is proven by Science and Medical Teams in a Peer Review study. www.adultstemcellsrelease.com Please take the tour and down load the study. Adult stem Cells can become any organ, tissue, or muscle in the body. After taking 1 gram of StemEnhance your body releases 3 to 4 million adult stem cells, into the blood stream. This is the body’s natural way to renew, refresh, and rejuvenate itself. We are unleashing a whole new system of the body that has always been there. This is an all natural botanical extract for everyone. http://naturalwellnessandhealth.blogspot.com/
Ray Mumme
Fundamentals of Healing and Recovery - The Building Blocks for Restoring Optimal Health
To some degree, this is all normal and nothing to be concerned about. A healthy body has a marvelous capacity to detoxify and heal itself; and, normal levels of free radicals can be easily neutralized with proper diet.
The problem is: in the world in which we live and the life-style that is typically modern, we’re not facing “normal levels” of free radicals. Stress and pollution can overwhelm the defensive capacities of a proper diet; and, a “proper diet” is harder and harder to achieve as our lives become more hectic and the quality of our food continues to diminish. (Today, you would need to eat 10 servings of vegetables to get the nutritional value of one serving 50 years ago.)
But, while antioxidants work to neutralize the destructive power of free radicals, taking a stem cell enhancer will support the body’s innate renewal system, so that it can repair the damage already done through oxidative stress.
Normally, adult stem cells are released from the bone marrow into the blood stream. When body tissues are stressed, stem cells are drawn into the tissues, where they replace dysfunctional cells with healthy ones. But, things today aren’t normal; our bodies must continually deal with the stresses of daily life; so, it’s important to add the yin to antioxidants’ yang.
StemEnhance is the only product on the market today that substantially supports the body’s innate renewal system as a stem cell enhancer.
I would like to introduce you to the World’s First Stem Cell Enhancer. It is proven by Science and Medical Teams in a Peer Review study. www.adultstemcellsrelease.com Please take the tour and down load the study. Adult stem Cells can become any organ, tissue, or muscle in the body. After taking 1 gram of StemEnhance your body releases 3 to 4 million adult stem cells, into the blood stream. This is the body’s natural way to renew, refresh, and rejuvenate itself. We are unleashing a whole new system of the body that has always been there. This is an all natural botanical extract for everyone. http://naturalwellnessandhealth.blogspot.com/
Ray Mumme
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Network Marketing & Wellness Industry
85% of those who retire will live the rest of their lives in poverty. 73% of Americans feel lack of money is their biggest stress. You deserve better! Network marketing is one of the few industries where people have built large income with low start up costs and even when they retire, the residual checks keep coming.
Paul Zane Pilzer has been called the most accurate Economist of our time and in his book "the Next Millionaires", he explains in detail why the 21st century will be known as the age of the entrepreneur, and why Network Marketing is your best vehicle. The wellness industry grosses 500 billion dollars a year and will grow to over one Trillion dollars a year in the next 5 years.
Aloe Vera used to be a little known product, just like StemEnhance TM is today. Network Marketing made it popular and people just like you achieved their financial dreams! The same thing could happen when StemEnhance TM becomes a household name.
Now is when Fortunes could be made as this company goes from small too Big. This is an opportunity that you should be investigating like you’ve never investigated before!
Spend time on this. Get the information you need. It's that important for your future! How to Make Money with the STEMTech Opportunity So how do you put yourself between StemEnhance TM and the millions of consumers who will be buying it for decades to come?
First we’d like to ask you this question. Knowing what you know now, if you could go back in time and put yourself between Microsoft and the people who are buying computers and software, would you want to? Of course you would! But was this so obvious early on? Or more to the point where you invited to participate..... Probably not.
So how do you put yourself between StemEnhance TM and the millions of consumers who will be buying it for decades to come? How do you make money by doing that and just how much can you make? Well, this time you can’t say you weren’t invited. This is your official invitation.
First, let’s talk about how you make money. With STEMTech Health Sciences You make the money that a traditional company would spend on marketing, advertising and distribution. It’s that simple. The company pays you instead of marketing and advertising firms. And you don’t have the usual headaches of running your own business. There’s no inventory, no employees and no rent.
When you get a JOB, you go to work for that company. But when you become a STEMTech distributor, the Company, Team StemTech, your sponsor and Wealth Builder System all go to work for you and combined, give you all the training, support and motivation you will ever need to reach all your goals.
By sharing StemEnhance TM with people, you get paid. And, as each of them tell others by finding customers and new members; you get paid on their efforts as will. This is a fair system because you found them and then you showed them how to do what you’re doing.
With a little consistent effort, your team can begin to grow exponentially by using all the tools like Wealth Builders System the coaching and support of Team Stem Tech and your sponsor. You’re paid according to the sales volume your group generates. People love how they feel on this product so your volume could compound each month earning you more and more.
You can earn income from people you never even met and from states and countries you have never been to. You can achieve your financial goals with STEMTech Health Sciences. You’re in the Right Place, at the Right time. The key is recognizing and taking action.
My wife and I are taking this product and can't believe how much it has done for us. Now go to are Wealth Builders System at www.adultstemcellsrelease.com fill in the information and the check all the different tabs, The Tour, Product, Pets, BMW, and the Science. Also check out STEMTech web page http://rmumme.stemtechbiz.com
Monday, January 5, 2009
StemEnhance Facts - A FAQ on StemEnhance
What is StemEnhance?
StemEnhance is a blend of two compounds extracted from the widely consumed aquatic botanical Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). One extract, which contains an L-selectin ligand, supports the natural release of stem cells (CD34+ cells) from the bone marrow. The other extract, a polysaccharide-rich fraction named Migratose™, may support the migration of stem cells out of the blood into tissues.
What is the science behind StemEnhance?
The effect of StemEnhance on stem cells was tested in a triple-blind study. In brief, volunteers rested for one hour before the first blood sample, which established the baseline level in the number of circulating stem cells. After the first blood samples, volunteers were given StemEnhance™ or placebo.
Thereafter, blood samples were taken at 30, 60 and 120 minutes after taking the consumables. The number of circulating stem cells was quantified by analyzing the blood samples using Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS). Consumption of StemEnhance™ triggered a significant 25% increase in the number of circulating stem cells.
What is the recommended dose of StemEnhance?
One gram of StemEnhance™ triggers a significant 25-35% increase in the number of circulating stem cells. The effect lasts for a few hours. The recommended dosage is therefore 2 capsules once or twice day, at least 6 hours apart.
Can StemEnhance deplete the bone marrow? Do we have a finite number of stem cells?
No, StemEnhance will not deplete the bone marrow. The bone marrow constantly produces stem cells for the entire life of an individual. Stem cells released by the bone marrow are responsible for the constant renewal of red blood cells and lymphocytes (immune cells).
A 25-30% increase in the number of circulating stem cells is well within physiological range and does not constitute stress on the bone marrow environment. The amount of active bone marrow amounts to about 2,600 g (5.7 lbs), with about 1.5 trillion marrow cells. A 25-30% increase in the number of circulating cells triggered by the consumption of 1 gram of StemEnhance™ corresponds to approximately 3 million cells, which is a small portion of the cells present in the bone marrow. Stem cells that do not reach any tissue or become blood cells return to the bone marrow.
What happened to stem cells if they do not reach a tissue?
Stem cells released from the bone marrow that do not reach a tissue simply home back to the bone marrow after some time.
Friday, January 2, 2009
The Story of StemTech & What Can It Do For You
Benefits derived from a remarkable fresh water plant. These beneficial results intrigued this young neurophysiologist, and he began intensive research to examine this phenomenon.
Initial results of this research lead him and his colleague, Dr. Gitte Jensen, to hypothesize what appeared to be a very intriguing theory involving adult, stem cells, and how isolated extracts of this aqua-botanical, seemed to work to optimize the natural behavior of stem cells in the body.
In 2000, the two scientists shared their views with Howard Newman, the owner of Desert Lake Technologies (DLT). DLT is a company with vast experience in aquaculture and harvesting of this aqua-botanical raw material. Together, this team ventured forward with the vision, skill and courage
required to undertake a radical, new way of thinking about how the body keeps itself healthy. Using science to unlock the secrets in nature, the theory began to take on a life of its own.
In 2002, the theory was published in a medical journal named Medical Hypotheses, while other scientists from around the world also continued to publish research that further strengthened what Drapeau and Jensen believed they had discovered. View a quick movie by the Founder Dr Christian Drapeau http://www.stemtechchat.com/video/intro092006/CDrapeau-Intro1a.html
In 2004, a U.S. patent was awarded to these inventors, and further internal and external studies continued to corroborate their position. Desert Lake Technologies was now ready to transition from research & development, and bring the concept and the product to market in 2005.
The company then turned to a top industry professional, an MBA with a 17 year track record of success, to help guide them in the strategic planning process. After many months of analysis, Ray Carter recommended, and the team decided to form StemTech HealthSciences, in order to launch the product through the power of the network marketing industry. Mr. Carter accepted the company’s request for him to organize and run the new company, as they targeted a market pre-launch in the fall of 2005.
The name of this product is StemEnhanceTM, and it is a breakthrough, natural botanical extract that supports wellness, by helping your body maintain healthy stem cell physiology. It is the very first product on the market from the latest phytoceutical product category called “stem cell
When you take two capsules of StemEnhance, the ingredients help to support the release of stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream.
Through a natural process, those stem cells then travel to areas of the body where they are most needed. View a quick movie about the product WWW.adultstemcellsrelese.com
Recognizing that the novelty of this breakthrough product will require a great deal of consumer education, StemTech has put together a media campaign strategy in order to educate and create the awareness we desire, to give StemEnhance the brand name recognition that will assist all of
our independent distributors to more successfully market the product, while generating countless leads.
StemEnhance is only available through StemTech HealthSciences, Inc. and its independent distributors. The formulation is patented and is the first of its kind on the market. So whether you are a “baby boomer”, athlete, or anyone else looking to optimize health, StemEnhance is for you.
Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and any products mentioned, while supported by science, are not intended to diagnose, mitigate or treat any disease or illness.